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Ostatnie przepisy kulinarne w kuchni Guilty pleasures

W kuchni Guilty pleasures jest już 25 dobrych przepisów:

  • Apples under a cinnamon cloud

    Przepis dodany:
    Apples under a cinnamon cloud
     I had this idea for an apple pie for a long time now. I wanted to make something similar to my mum's Pleśniak ("mould pie"), but was afraid that raw apples won't cook enough while baking.I found this recipe today and I'm determined to make it work...
  • Quick banana milkshake

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    Quick banana milkshake
    I wanted to bake a banana bread but my beloved husband ate half the bananas I bought.And since I was left with only two bananas I made a simple banana milkshake. I was inspired by this recipe, but changed the proportions a bit - I like thick...
  • Cheesy chicken bites

    Przepis dodany:
    Cheesy chicken bites
    Long time no see. I just realised that the posts that I queued didn't appear on the blog as I planned, so I'm saving them and will be posting from now on.I didn't have much time to write posts and take pictures, but hopefully that time is behind me...
  • Summer salad with rocket and grilled veggies

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    Summer salad with rocket and grilled veggies
    This is my last summer's idea for a light dinner. I used an ordinary frying pan instead of a grilling pan and regretted it.Zucchini has some demonic powers of absorbing all oil from the pan. I had to drain the excess fat on paper towels.Apart from that,...
  • Vegetable salad - Polish tradition :)

    Przepis dodany:
    Vegetable salad - Polish tradition :)
    Hi again! After a month, I know. The life is crazy still. And I'm kinda glad things are happening. But I miss cooking and posting.Today I'm making a veggie salad - the salad is a must during every family occasion (birthdays, namedays, Xmas, Easter etc) and...
  • Tuna pasta

    Przepis dodany:
    Tuna pasta
     It's time for a quick dinner recipe.Itt took me about 30 minutes to put together.Pretty simple to make but the taste is amazing.  Tuna pasta Some facts: My rating: 9/10 Prep time:  5 minutesCook time: 25 minutesTotal time:  30...
  • Creamy potato puree

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    Creamy potato puree
    Velvety deliciousness. That's what this puree is. I could eat it everyday.It's really simple as well.Potato pureeSome facts:My rating: 10/10 Prep time:  15 minutesCook time: 25 minutesTotal time:  45 minutes Yield: 3 cups of puree (for 2-4...
  • Polish minced meat cutlet - mielone

    Przepis dodany:
    Polish minced meat cutlet - mielone
     Polish 'kotlet mielony' is a  standard dinner dish. You serve it with potatoes and a salad of some sort.I think it's the most similar to the hamburger, burger or patty.It is also a kind of a flattened meatball, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried....
  • Milk and Coconut Muffins

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    Milk and Coconut Muffins
    Sorry for the lack of posts lately but I've been pretty busy with life in general and didn't have time to cook anything special.Today I'm making Milk and Coconut Muffins. The recipe is mine and could go terribly wrong because I was improvising a...
  • Cheese sticks

    Przepis dodany:
    Cheese sticks
    The lazy food.Comes together really fast and tastes heavenly.It's a great dish for a party. Tastes really good with beer. :)Cheese sticksSome facts:My rating: 10/10 Prep time: 20 minutesCook time:  max. 8 minutesTotal time:  30 minutes Yield: 1...
  • Ham rolls

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    Ham rolls
    The ultimate party food. Requires some preparation time, but in return you get lots of delicious bite-sized food.You can use whatever ham you have but believe me you don't want to spend hours trying roll tiny ham slices into graceful rolls.Big slices are...
  • Basic pizza dough and pizza rolls

    Przepis dodany:
    Basic pizza dough and pizza rolls
    I'm still a bit exhausted after New Year's Eve, I'm not getting any younger :)The pizza rolls I made were a blast. And that reminds me I left my baking tray at our friends' house...Yeah, we had a great night. Lots of food. I think I'll get properly hungry...
  • Blog B'Day and party snacks

    Przepis dodany:
    Blog B'Day and party snacks
    My blog is one year old :) I can't believe it's been a year since I started.Seems like it was yesterday. :)Last year I made noodles salad for the New Year's Party.This time I've made pizza rolls, Caprese salad, cheese sticks and ham rolls.I've tried to...
  • Friday Favs - hot chocolate

    Przepis dodany:
    Friday Favs - hot chocolate
     Last but one day of the year :) I'm drinking hot chocolate while completing New Year's Eve party menu.This time, I'm doing only half of the cooking as we are invited to a party, but still... I'm not going empty-handed, am I? :)So, this past...
  • Tuna and feta dip (or spread)

    Przepis dodany:
    Tuna and feta dip (or spread)
    A quick post about a dip I made about a week ago.I was in the mood for tuna but run out off cheese. I had half a packet of feta ... How bad could they taste together, I thought.Taking into account the fact that I am a tuna addict... Well, let's just...
  • Broccoli and feta dip (salad)

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    Broccoli and feta dip (salad)
     Vegetable options this winter are pretty slim. I don't like to buy imported veggies. Thus, I'm stuck with frozen veg or nothing at all.  One of my absolute favourite frozen veggies is broccoli. I could eat it everyday, seriously.I love to boil...
  • Easy nutella fudge

    Przepis dodany:
    Easy nutella fudge
    I thought I'll be too busy to post anything today, but here you go :) It's Christmas Eve today in Poland. You could ask what's the big deal, it's Christmas Eve everywhere.   I think that we prepare and celebrate Christmas Eve so much more than the...
  • Przepis dodany:
    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Hope you have fabulous time with your families and friends.May the food you eat be delicious and non-fattening :)I'll be posting some of my mums cakes after the holidays and some of my party snack ideas for New...
  • Chocolate orange peel

    Przepis dodany:
    Chocolate orange peel
    Remember the candied orange peel I made?Well, it dried all right.It's delicious on it's own, but... chocolate makes everything better, doesn't it?So, I dunked my orange peel in chocolate and made it heavenly :)It's pretty easy to do.Chocolate orange...
  • Friday Favs - Xmas presents

    Przepis dodany:
    Friday Favs - Xmas presents
    I wish I could say I already found all of my presents. Alas, I'm still looking for inspiration.I have made some of the things I want to gift. I crocheted and knitted (the knitted part looks bad) all December. I really hope my family and friends will...
  • Candied orange peel

    Przepis dodany:
    Candied orange peel
    I got candy crazy before Xmas :)There are sooo many amazing and, no doubt, delicious candy and sweet recipes.My thought go to candied orange peel because I looove oranges and hate wasting food.I was always sure that it's pointless to even attempt making...
  • Orange muffins 2.0

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    Orange muffins 2.0
    I made orange muffins some time ago and they would be a complete disaster if I didn't trust my intuition enough to introduce some changes.I found another one recently and decided to give it a try. I am a bit distrustful of oranges and grapefruit in baked...
  • Garlic sauce

    Przepis dodany:
    Garlic sauce
     I feel that garlic sauce deserves a post on its own. I love it!I can't think of any other dish I make quite so often.I can't  imagine a party without the sauce to dip crisps in. There's no Greek salad without it for me anymore.It's simply...
  • Friday Favs - first snow

    Przepis dodany:
    Friday Favs - first snow
     I've been meaning to knit my hubby a beanie this whole week, but my the lazy part of me took over and I didn't even start. Eh... Thankfully, I'm almost ready with one of my crochet Christmas presents. I have so many ideas about Xmas dishes and...
  • Stained glass gingerbread cookies

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    Stained glass gingerbread cookies
    I can't wait for Christmas, as you probably know by now... Yes, I'm not patient.And because of that I made gingerbread cookies 4 weeks before Christmas. That and the fact that they taste better after they lie in a tin for some time. Don't get me...

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