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W kuchni Halal Mama jest już 145 dobrych przepisów:

  • Uncle Bubble Mega Loop* - plus giveaway

    Przepis dodany:
    Uncle Bubble Mega Loop* - plus giveaway
    Are you enjoying the Easter holidays? Adam's been off since the 5th, and we're actually spending a week in Poland right now ;) The weather hasn't been great for the past couple of days, but it's cleared up now so we're enjoying the spring sun - I...
  • mother's day with prestige flowers*

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    mother's day with prestige flowers*
    *GIFTED - I have been sent the following product in return for a review.Mother's Day in 3 weeks folks! 31st of March this year in the UK. Funny how different places have different dates - last Sunday of March for the UK, while in Poland we celebrate on the...
  • muslim convert at christmas

    Przepis dodany:
    muslim convert at christmas
    Christmas! Who doesn't love Christmas, eh?Well, it seems that a lot of people believe that Muslims actually hate it. Ok, some probably do, but not all.It can be a challenging time though, particularly for reverts/converts. As if it's not hard enough being...
  • Presto Snow*

    Przepis dodany:
    Presto Snow*
    This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate I'll earn money through qualifying purchases.Oh my, how the year has flown again! Can't believe it's the end of November already, and only one month left of 2018. This means that winter will be...
  • Eduprints plus*

    Przepis dodany:
    Eduprints plus*
    We might currently be renting our house, but it's still important to add our own touches to make it feel like home. I have a few bits in the living room and our bedroom, but not really anything for Adam apart from his map of the world, and an alphabet...
  • New chapter

    Przepis dodany:
    New chapter
    It's now been a week since I turned 30.Honestly I thought I'll be feeling emotional or something. It's a milestone birthday after all! It should be a whole new chapter of my life!It kinda made me feel super young to be able to say "I'm in my twenties" -...
  • Prestige Hampers*

    Przepis dodany:
    Prestige Hampers*
    Don't you think that hampers are the perfect gifts for any occasion? I love the idea of a cute basket filled with goodies - it's like a few little gifts in one, and you have a pretty good chance that the recipient will like at least some of them ;)Hampers...
  • Eco by Naty*

    Przepis dodany:
    Eco by Naty*
    Eco by Naty originated in Sweden, after the founder Marlene Sandberg came across an article, saying that an average baby goes through half a ton of disposable nappies in a year. Just imagine those landfills, eh? Marlene decided that all those nappies, made...
  • The flavour-led weaning with Zainab Jagot Ahmed*

    Przepis dodany:
    The flavour-led weaning with Zainab Jagot Ahmed*
    Oh my, has it really been so long again? To be fair though, there has been a massive change in our lives again - we decided to leave Bedfordshire for the sunny (so far) Manchester! We're slowly adjusting and hopefully I can pick up the pace again.Anyway -...
  • Ali Huda - the Muslim kids' Netflix*

    Przepis dodany:
    Ali Huda - the Muslim kids' Netflix*
    I admit - I'm quite lenient when it comes to screen time. I do, however, keep an eye on the stuff Adam is watching. YouTube is a nightmare recently - have you seen all the weird stuff on it, that the kids can so easily find? When I check on Adam from...
  • The Ducktrinors*

    Przepis dodany:
    The Ducktrinors*
    As much as I love books, I hardly get time for them around my little monsters. Over the past few years I got myself quite a few (and even Hubby treated me to the whole set of my beloved Harry Potter), but my reading time always ends at reading Adam his...
  • New reads from Kube Publishing*

    Przepis dodany:
    New reads from Kube Publishing*
    You know you have a keen little reader at home, when the postman brings a flat parcel and your child immediately asks "Are these books, mummy?"The most recent additions to our home library came from Kube Publishing. They were kind enough to send us two...
  • Monthly Gratitude - January

    Przepis dodany:
    Monthly Gratitude - January
    When Fozia from Muslim Mummy came up with a new monthly gratitude series, I was all like "Yeah, great stuff! Easy blog post idea!"Is it easy though?I suppose there is so much stuff in life we all should be grateful for, but come to actually list...
  • Hello 2018!

    Przepis dodany:
    Hello 2018!
    Yeah, I know it's already the 4th of January and I'm slightly late to the party. But anyway, happy new year!Everyone's recently been reflecting on 2017, on everything that's happened over the year. For me it was pretty uneventful - I spent the majority of...
  • Fizz Chocolate Fountain*

    Przepis dodany:
    Fizz Chocolate Fountain*
    I'm probably not the kind of person that visits Maplin much. I associate it mostly with electronics like computer stuff, lights, cables... Last time I visited the store was good few years ago, when I needed a cable to connect my laptop to the router (Wi-Fi...
  • Hey baby! - my birth story

    Przepis dodany:
    Hey baby! - my birth story
    Well hello there! It's been a while again, but for the past few weeks life's been rather busy...Word of warning: there's a bit of a long post ahead!On the 2nd of November we finally met our little girl. I must say I didn't really enjoy this pregnancy -...
  • Home Bargains flower delivery*

    Przepis dodany:
    Home Bargains flower delivery*
    Nearly there! My due date is on Wednesday, and I'm hoping this one will stick to the schedule better than her brother. But, although my body has pretty much had enough now, this baby doesn't seem to be rushing!Walking can be a real struggle now, and I...
  • My hospital bag

    Przepis dodany:
    My hospital bag
    One. Week. To. Go.If I'm honest, I'm actually a bit more nervous than first time round! I'm not sure why - I seem to have everything ready now, I've already been through labour and know what to expect... Maybe that's the problem lol! Anyway, while...
  • Newborn clothes haul

    Przepis dodany:
    Newborn clothes haul
    Getting ready for the new baby is exciting as it is, but clothes shopping is definitely the best part!I was eager to start baby shopping ever since we had our 20-week scan and were told the gender, but as that was early June I did my best to resist all...
  • Hidden pearls scarves*

    Przepis dodany:
    Hidden pearls scarves*
    Have I ever mentioned I love my scarves? I still remember that years back my mum used to laugh that I'd wear a scarf in summer if I could, and well, nowadays I actually do ;) Even if I don't have a scarf over my head, I feel a little bit more comfortable...
  • my 10 pregnancy must-haves

    Przepis dodany:
    my 10 pregnancy must-haves
    So I'm 35 weeks pregnant now - when did that happen? It's hard to believe that in just over a month the baby will be here! As the reality hits, I'm pretty nervous about becoming mum of two. Adam, on the other hand, can't wait and recently started saying he...
  • Halal Goodies Celebration Box

    Przepis dodany:
    Halal Goodies Celebration Box
    When you've had a rough day at work, there's nothing better than coming home to some nice surprise. Last week I've had a real treat waiting for me - limited edition Celebration Box from Halal Goodies! I've already mentioned Halal Goodies here, after...
  • Learn Arabic with Alif Baa app

    Przepis dodany:
    Learn Arabic with Alif Baa app
    Seeing as we're multinational family, we're also a multilingual one - although our household's primary language is English, Adam is constantly picking up new Polish and Urdu/Punjabi phrases. At some point he'll also be introduced to Arabic, and I suppose I...
  • New Year, new journal

    Przepis dodany:
    New Year, new journal
    Hello in 2017!There's no "new year, new me" stuff here. I'm not making any resolutions or big plans, because I never really stick to them. I do, however, enjoy marking the changing date with a new diary
  • Halal Goodies

    Przepis dodany:
    Halal Goodies
    *This post contains affiliate links*I'm not usually too lucky in competitions, but Instagram is my good friend when it comes to giveaways
  • Gourmet halal meat from Halalnivore*

    Przepis dodany:
    Gourmet halal meat from Halalnivore*
    Where we live, we're surrounded by halal butchers. You can get pretty much anything you want, from chicken to lamb and beef, with handful of shops offering duck, rabbit or even venison.But it still feels like they cater more for large families who buy meat...
  • Healthy snacking with Nim's Crisps*

    Przepis dodany:
    Healthy snacking with Nim's Crisps*
    I love snacking. I'd say it's a big part of my life, especially when I spend the days at home with Adam. It's probably also one of the main reason for all those pounds piling up!Actually snacking itself isn't necessarily all bad - it's supposed to be good...
  • Ashridge Forest

    Przepis dodany:
    Ashridge Forest
    Last week was the school half-term for us. We didn't really plan anything special, like lots of people do, but Hubby took a few days off work so we spent that week all together.The weather wasn't exactly the best, but we did decide to take a small trip....
  • Death by Chocolate* dipping sauces

    Przepis dodany:
    Death by Chocolate* dipping sauces
    National Chocolate Week!It's a perfect excuse to indulge (not that I need one!). Some quality chocolate, pack of delicious florentines, and all that washed down with a mug of hot chocolate. What more could one want?Well, there is probably one thing - an...
  • Foodery meal pots*

    Przepis dodany:
    Foodery meal pots*
    I've mentioned this before - I love seeing new halal food brands hitting major supermarkets! I think it's great that halal food is now widely available, so if we go away we can just hit a Tesco or Asda and don't need to specifically look for halal (usually...
  • Crumble cake

    Przepis dodany:
    Crumble cake
    In Poland, we call it "ciasto drożdżowe", which literally means "yeast cake". It's often made with variety of seasonal fruit, but the simplest version is a bread-style cake, simply topped with sweet crumble. For some reason I was craving it the other...
  • Onion syrup - natural infection fighter

    Przepis dodany:
    Onion syrup - natural infection fighter
    Colder days and nights, constant temperature changes during the day... Autumn is in full swing. For many it becomes a season of infections: colds, coughs... The three of us also fell ill last week.Now, we do use medicines to battle our colds, but always...
  • Autumn apple cake

    Przepis dodany:
    Autumn apple cake
    Days are getting shorter and colder, meaning we're getting hit by autumn after few really hot days last week. This will bring changes to our kitchens too.Apple and cinnamon is just perfect autumn/winter combination, don't you think? There's something...
  • Butter chicken

    Przepis dodany:
    Butter chicken
    I must admit that I'm not that great when it comes to Desi food. It's only recently that I understood it needs time and a bit of patience, especially when making the base for the curries - can't tell you how many times Hubby stepped in to further cook down...
  • Confessions of a non-hijabi

    Przepis dodany:
    Confessions of a non-hijabi
    "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze, and protect their private parts and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils (...)"(Quran, 24:31)As you might see from my photos, I don't permanently wear...
  • Quick lunches with Haloodies cooked chicken

    Przepis dodany:
    Quick lunches with Haloodies cooked chicken
    Have you seen my recent post on the new Haloodies cooked chicken range? Here are couple of ideas on how we used some of the products.Cajun Chicken baguettesReady sliced chicken breast was just asking to be used in a sandwich! I made these healthy,...
  • Haloodies

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    Back in 2011 two friends, Imran and Noman, came up with the idea of Halal Food Festival to connect Muslim foodies with halal food businesses. And then they thought "Let's call the halal foodies - HALOODIES!"I attended that festival in September 2013, and...
  • London Halal Food Festival 2016

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    London Halal Food Festival 2016
    Last weekend we visited London Halal Food Festival - if you follow me on Instagram, you would've seen quite a few of the photos I took on the day.Three years ago the first Halal Food Festival was born - and of course I had to attend! It was a great...
  • #AlhamdulillahForSeries - Muslim's Gratitude Journal

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    #AlhamdulillahForSeries - Muslim's Gratitude Journal
    (...) "Be grateful to Allah." And whoever is grateful, is grateful for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever denies [His favour] - then indeed, Allah is Free of need and Praiseworthy.(31:12)So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do...
  • Saying 'Bismillah' over non-halal food

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    When Hubby and I started living together, it was obvious to me that there would only be halal meat in the house. It was early days and I was just starting to learn about Islam, so I did some research on halal food too. Before our first trip to Poland...
  • ZSL Whipsnade Zoo

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    ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
    We've been planning to visit the Zoo for quite a while now - we've been to one in Lahore, we visited the Kraków Zoo while in Poland, but we never got to visit any of more local ones! As we're in Bedfordshire, we're quite close to the Whipsnade Zoo, and...
  • London Halal Food Festival is coming!

    Przepis dodany:
    London Halal Food Festival is coming!
    If you follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram, you've probably seen the news I shared about the Halal Food Festival coming to London in August.I'm delighted to be a part of this event, as one of their 'Halal Heroes' - you can see the list of all the...
  • Mid-Ramadan musings

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    Mid-Ramadan musings
    Honestly, where does all the time go?It feels like just a few days ago we were getting ready for Ramadan - cleaning the whole house, checking the freezer and kitchen cupboards, getting all the big shopping done so we wouldn't have to hungry-shop (we all...
  • Sweet cheese pancakes

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    Sweet cheese pancakes
    Pancakes filled with sweet quark cheese are my childhood taste. As weird as it may sound, most Poles would've eaten this for lunch, probably on a Friday when we'd go meat-free.They're usually made with quark cheese - in Polish it's twaróg or ser biały...
  • GlassesShop.com

    Przepis dodany:
    If you follow my social media (if not, there are neat little buttons on the right ;)), you know I wear glasses. I'm short-sighted, to be specific.When I was at uni, I realised I can't see so well anymore. On one of my visits to Poland I had my eyes tested,...
  • The Muslim Sticker Company

    Przepis dodany:
    The Muslim Sticker Company
    I've been postponing this review for a while now, hoping that I could engage Adam a bit, but he wasn't too keen to participate at the time that I wanted him to ;)Recently I've been sent some goodies by The Muslim Sticker Company. Adam has recently...
  • Tajweed Nasheed Nursery Rhymes from Olive Tree Study

    Przepis dodany:
    Tajweed Nasheed Nursery Rhymes from Olive Tree Study
    All the Muslims are encouraged to learn to read the Quran in Arabic. Reverts, like me, would start with the translation into our own language. As we know, however, no translation can fully convey the message of the original - especially in case of such a...
  • My Revert Story

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    One thing I get asked a lot from my followers is for me to share the story of my conversion to Islam.I've been meaning to write this for ages now, but I must admit I was a bit apprehensive due to all the negativity Islam gets. Yes, I do care what people...
  • #MySundayPhoto - Shadows

    Przepis dodany:
    #MySundayPhoto - Shadows
    I got behind again - my "regular writing" doesn't seem to be going too well so far ;) I already gave up the Project 366, I couldn't always manage to take a photo every single day - well, I guess it's better that it happened early in the year, rather than...
  • #MySundayPhoto - Snowy morning

    Przepis dodany:
    #MySundayPhoto - Snowy morning
    OK, so I finally got myself to actually join a linky! I really try to push myself and post more this year, instead of just noting things down in my diary and never transferring them into the actual blog posts.***It started snowing last night, but I didn't...

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